hey guys I just wanted to let you know that I have made it to the holy land!!!
I will put picks on when I get home.. please keep us in your prayers...
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
les quiero Leon!

hoy es 5 meses y 3 dias duespues yo regrese a U.E. hoy me cortazon esta con ellos con quien vivio en leon, Quiero estar alla con mi familia y quiero ir a la Iglesia en la manana para que puedo cantar en espanol y hablar con mis hermanos! me duele hoy profundo en mi cortazon y tambien en mi alma con mi todo ser quiero abrazos y besos de mi familia! les amo Iglesia en Leon.
con mi todo cortazon,
Thursday, April 10, 2008
so guys it has been a while but every thing here is going great! I am able to work tons as well as continue going to college at MC. it is really fun and I am doing supprisingly good at school. you know its not every day you sit out 4 years of school and pick it up with out too much dificutly. Right now we are reading through a book passed out by the elders called time alone with God. it is the second in the series this one going through the book of psalms and proverbs. I am really enjoying it and being able to grow as I read through psalms and am chalenged to have a heart like David... God is good...all the time... and all the time.... God is good!!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Round it up!!!
To finish up the trip Melody, Ashley and myself drove down to austin where we spent a day on the lake baking and then a nother day with my parents and drove back to Midland where we had to come back to, to start school yesterday!!!
we stoped every where I could think of to prevent our quick arrival to Midland but we had to arive eventually and I am glad to be back in my bed here. Please continue to pray as transitions are taking place in my live and in many others. We had a great study last night out of Hebrews...please pray for that study as well. thanks for you love and concideration to read what is going on in my life... Praise be to God for his Grace and Mercy, it truly is all about Him!
(Laura & Alex)
also we got a wonderful opportunity to go to Six Flags with Alex Jr. on wednesday. all those who went with us were Ainslee, Ashley, and Melody. Thanks guys for serving our Lord in this Way. (Alex just a little higher...)
Thursday, March 13, 2008
This weekend and next week!@#$%^&*() hehehe
Hey everyone... Well here it is! the big weekend@ lubbock where a # of us not working for$ but for God will be walking the stage. only a % of the class will be able to be there, ^my heart goes out to you guys who are not comeing.. loveya.. & we will have tons of fun * oh and I love to say that it has been a wonderful few years serving the LORD in this way For his Glory and only for his Glory may he be blessed forever (thanks to all of you in my class for completing what you started, and for not stoping here at this point but for continuing on to eternity).. Thanks readers for staing faithful it helps me keep typin.
did you notice I used all the accents about the numbers in my blog this time... wow thats skills.... not computer hacking skills or numchucks skills but its like somthin' right.. =) have a goood weekend every one I am going to be going to help out at Christ haven for kids in Keller TX for the next week. I will have many fotos and stories to tell you next weeek have a good spring break.
did you notice I used all the accents about the numbers in my blog this time... wow thats skills.... not computer hacking skills or numchucks skills but its like somthin' right.. =) have a goood weekend every one I am going to be going to help out at Christ haven for kids in Keller TX for the next week. I will have many fotos and stories to tell you next weeek have a good spring break.
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